
Saturday, April 28, 2012


I wish I could come up with clever titles...

I joined a new local Facebook selling group. Wowsers! This one is CRAZY active!! I posted a couple things on there, and within minutes they were scrolled so far down the page! You've really gotta keep up on this one. There are nearly 2000 members, so the place is hopping.

I lined up 4 transactions for this morning. We all met at the same place -- along with many other people from the group. It was so funny. I got out of my van, and I could feel all the other buyers/sellers' eyes on me, trying to figure out if I was their contact with their item. It was like this big underground trading ring. It was so funny to see all these trades going on all over the parking lot.

I came away with 2 sets of bed risers, which we've been needing for extra storage space under the kids' beds, a pair of Converse sneakers for $3, and 7 Miche bag shells for $87. Gulp. That was a big chunk for me, for so few items, but I'm confident I can easily double my money on them. They're even already listed. I am on the BALL!

I'm gonna use my box lot system for tracking the sales. I'll update here as they sell.


And 2 more box lot updates, then I need to get to bed. It was a long day.

I sold my last bit of play food. Final recap:  Paid $3.17 on 1/31/12. Sold it all for a total of $85.92 plus shipping, in just under 3 months. Not bad!


My American Girl stuff is still selling too. I have sold 10 of my 21 listings so far.  And 2 of the unsold listings are dolls! Recap so far: Spent $31 on 4/6/12. So far have sold $398.90!


On that note - good night!


  1. I've heard about Miche bags but have never actually seen one in person. They actually sound like something I'd be interested in for myself!

    How do you find facebook selling groups? I'll be the first to admit I don't do much at all on facebook but I tried searching a few keywords but didn't find anything. Any tips you can share?

    Oh, by the way, I'm started to lean toward opening a store. After the 3 free listings days ebay just offered (which I didn't even realized until late day 2-ugh!!!!) I can see how you've been right all along ;). It also feels so good to know the listings will be up for 30 days instead of finishing up in just a week. I've sold a few things already (not enough to pay for a subscription, but hey, it counts!) and if I can see over the next few days that more things sell I'll open a store.

    1. Jennifer, I just typed into the search bar the name of my county, followed by "online yard sale" and one popped up. That one's pretty small and very slow-moving. I just recently found a couple others that are really big and fast-moving. If you blink, you might miss something great. That one has the name of my town (not the county) followed by "community online yard sale."

  2. I love our facebook groups - we have a few around here and one has over 8,000 members!!! I do really well on there and a lot of times I can sell things for a pretty decent price! Not to mention I can find some great deals!

  3. I know that you are an ebay guru, so I'm hoping you can answer my question. I sell casually on ebay, but not consistently due to job restraints. I have not opened a store for that reason. I was in a listing frenzy this past weekend when they had the "buy it now" free listings. I listed around 70 items (some were auctions I relisted as BINs) then I got this message saying I could not list any more items until I called an ebay representative to "discuss my selling intentions." I did try to call once but they were closed. I really have no desire to call them or open a store. I just don't have time.

    y question: why was I blocked from listing anything else? Will the "ban" lift at some point (like the 1st of the month)?

    This really did not make me happy since I was not able to fully take advantage of the free listing. I can't even use my free auction listings.

    1. Laura - that stinks! eBay has begun implementing listing limits on newer sellers. I was lucky to never have to deal with that, so I'm not sure why they do it, or how to avoid it. I would just call them and ask them what you need to do to get that limit lifted.
