
Monday, January 7, 2013

Time to Say Good-Bye

With the new year always comes changes. I look back over the past year and remember little of it. What I do remember is not spending enough time with my family, not enjoying the outdoors as much as previous years, not keeping up with housework and other odds and ends. This business can be all-consuming if we let it. I love my job (as we all do!). I love that I can help provide lots of extras for my family without ever leaving the comfort of my home - well, except to shop, but who can complain about THAT?

As you all have noticed, my posting here has become sporadic at best. My heart just isn't in it anymore. My business is becoming more and more full-time, and I am becoming less and less inspired to blog about it. I decided last night, after giving it much though, that it is time to say good-bye to this little corner of my internet world. There is a lot of good material here, so I will not be deleting the blog. I just won't be posting here. At least not for a long time. I suppose someday I might decide that I miss it. Who knows? I make no promises. All I know is that, for the time being, something's got to go, and I would rather it be my blog than my family or other more important things.

I wish you all much success in your businesses. And remember - you can still email me anytime by using the "Email Me" link at the top of my blog. I will always respond. Unless you're a spammer :)

Happy sales to you ... until we meet again :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I've Set a Bookkeeping Record!

I just had to pop in long enough to announce that my Dome book is 100% done for 2012. I have all my numbers totalled. My mileage is added up. My 4th quarter state sales taxes are files and paid. I am ON THE BALL!  With the exception of ONE thing, I am completely ready to file my business income taxes (which, of course, we can't do until we get all of our personal tax documents later this month...). We need to add up all of our expenses for my storage building and figure out how to depreciate that. Other than that, I am DONE!

I'm telling you guys ... the Dome book is so worth it. Last year, I was still printing reports and digging up old records and adding and adding and adding and ADDING and tallying receipts and more adding. This year, I just had a couple days' worth of data to enter into my book, because I got a little bit behind over Christmas. I managed to keep up with it, so it was super-easy to finish out the year.

Let's all make a goal to keep on top of our paperwork and record-keeping this year. It'll be so worth it next January.